Passiflora ‘Blue Bouquet’


This easy to grow vine produces an abundance of blueish-purple 3″ flowers. Remarkably cold hardy, reliable vine that will complement your garden all season.

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An abundance of blueish-purple 3″ flowers, grace this large, free-flowering vine.  Passiflora ‘Blue Bouquet’ often produces blossoms in pairs. This easy to grow vine has dark green, non-glossy leaves and will easily cover a fence or wall in a season.  It is a very large, vigorous vine which suckers from the roots, so would be best planted somewhere it can sprawl.  Blue Bouquet is tolerant of heat and will bloom from spring to frost opening dozens of blossoms every day. While this plant often gets overlooked by customers as it doesn’t have flowers that are as flashy as some other varieties, in our opinion it more than makes up for it by being very reliable. It is more spectacular in person than the photos may lead on, and it isn’t likely to disappoint you in the garden.

This plant is not picky about conditions though it does best in full sun. It will still bloom well if it gets some afternoon shade. As an added bonus we have found it to be quite cold hardy, and it has reliably come back year after year in our zone 8 garden.

For each item added to your cart, you will receive 1 starter plant in a 2.5” pot. A photo example of the starter plants we ship can be found on our Ordering and Shipping FAQ page. The plants are well rooted and are ready to be potted into a larger container.

For those interested, Passiflora ‘Blue Bouquet’ is [(P. amethystina x P. caerulea) x (P. amethystina x P. caerulea)] x P. caerulea, and is Rick McCain’s hybrid.

Hardiness Zone: 8

What does hardiness zone 8b mean?

It means that this Passiflora is somewhat cold tolerant and does not require protection from freezing temperatures. If you are growing it planted outdoors, it can survive temperatures down to about 15 degrees.  The top will be killed to the ground, but it should re-sprout from the roots. It requires a well drained location, and would benefit from a protective winter mulch.  If grown in a container, it will need to have the roots protected from freezing temperatures.

Not sure what your hardiness zone is?

Check out the USDA Interactive Zone Map to find out!

Need more growing instructions?

Check out our Passion Flower Care page.

Not quite what you’re looking for?

Check out our other Cold Hardy Passiflora for more great cold tolerant selections.

Looking to grow Passiflora for fritillary butterfly larvae?

In our experience, out of all the varieties we grow Passiflora incarnata is their favorite food.

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Please visit our Ordering and Shipping FAQ to find out more about what you can expect when ordering from us.


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