Abutilon ‘Little Sunshine’


Lovely flowering plant that can be grown indoors or out. Ever blooming, dwarf variety with large, bright yellow, bell shaped flowers.

Only 1 left in stock


Little Sunshine is the most dwarf, compact Abutilon we grow. This Abutilon comes with petite leaves and an unbelievable number of small, lemon-yellow flowers. It almost flowers too much if that’s even possible producing practically as many blossoms as leaves. We have never seen this plant without flowers on it. There is nothing more uplifting than looking at this plant loaded with vibrant yellow flowers on a dreary winter day. Because this plant is so busy producing flower buds, it stays very, very small. Almost all of its resources are devoted to flower production. It will be happy to stay a manageable size on your windowsill indefinitely. So far we have not had it exceed a foot tall making it the perfect addition to an indoor garden.

Abutilon is an evergreen perennial in warm climates, and can be easily grown as an outdoor annual or a houseplant in colder climates. It isn’t picky about its environment as long as it receives plenty of water and bright light.  It is suited for both container culture or planting in the ground, and will happily bloom on your windowsill or outside on your patio. Abutilons respond well to pruning. Flower buds are produced on new growth, so they can be easily be shaped and maintained to size with regular trimming

Because of its leaf and flower shape, Abutilon is known by many different names, they include flowering maple, parlor maple, Indian mallow, Chinese bellflower, and Chinese Lantern.

You will receive 1 Abutilon starter plant in 2.5″ pot for each item added to the cart. An example of starter plants is included in the photos.  The plants are well rooted and are ready to be potted into a larger container.

Looking for a complimentary Abutilon?

Check out Abutilon ‘Blushing Belle’ which is a fantastic windowsill partner for Little Sunshine.

Hardiness zone: 9

What does hardiness zone 9 mean?

It means that Abutilon are not cold tolerant and require protection from freezing temperatures. If you are growing them outdoors, bring them inside before it starts frosting.  While they will tolerate a light frost, continual cold temperatures will kill them.

Not sure what your hardiness zone is?

Check out the USDA Interactive Zone Map to find out!

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